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From then till now...

1514 Club - Timeline



Sometime after the Common Riding of 1962, disappointed at being unable to obtain tickets for Common Riding events this year, five Hawick men, Dod Robson, Ronnie Murphy, Ronnie Tait, Moosie Arries and Tam Underwood met in The Queens Head to discuss holding their own dinner next year.

19th July 1962 - Willie Newbiggin takes over as landlord at Mosspaul.


The weekly meetings in the Queens Head bear fruit when the inaugural 1514 Club Dinner is held at Mosspaul Hotel on the 31st May. Approx 30 gentlemen attended. Dod Robson is in the Chair, toast to The Common Riding by Jim Davidson, vote of thanks by Rob Oliver.


Lochcarron Knitwear are commissioned to design a Club tie which is black with stripes of yellow and blue, surmounted by the Common Riding motif. First "Annual" Dinner is held in Mosspaul Hotel on Friday before Common Riding.

1964 to 1976

The Club continues to have a Dinner annually on the Friday before The Common Riding.

An unofficial committee comprising Jim Beattie, Jim Matthews, Jackie Blaikie, Ronnie Tait, Jack Tait, Ian Armstrong, T K Telfer, Ronnie Murphy and Harold Simpson organise the functions.

Membership continues to grow from 30 to 60 and continued to rise despite opposition and disagreement by some (original) members.


Cornet Haig Hinton attends Dinner as a member and becomes the first Cornet to attend; Acting Father Jack Yallop, also a member, accompanies him.

Norman Turnbull, a teacher at Burnfoot PS, is invited to become a member with an idea to run a children's Art competition. Around 30 entries were received in the first year.


First Burns Supper is held in the Marina Function Suite, Jackie Blaikie is the Chairman.


April - The Club draws up first constitution. Jackie Blaikie is the first Chairman/President, Jim Beattie is the first Secretary/Treasurer. It is Agreed to hold AGM in November.

Cornet Jim Robertson is invited to attend Dinner (by RH Man Haig Hinton) and becomes the first Cornet to be offered automatic membership.


Club badge introduced and available to members for three pounds fifty pence from Hamish Smith (Jewellers).


Old Folks tent at the Moor inaugurated.


Concert "Young Hawick Sings" inaugurated.


Cassette recording of Hawick songs produced.

A "Jubilee" Dinner is held. Apparently two years early.


Cairn built at Burnford near the first tee at the Vertish using the granite setts uplifted from the High Street.


Cairn built at "worthies" grave in Wellogate again using the granite setts uplifted from the High Street.


Plaques erected to mark boundaries of Hawick Common, stones used are salvaged from Tower Hotel.


A piano stool is presented to the Club in memorial to Adie Inglis.


Book with comments from speakers inaugurated.

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